Passion drives the soul. When we’re passionate then we look at the world through a different lens. A lens of emotion. This pursuit requires confidence, perseverance, and endurance. It’s important to avoid distractions and negativity. Especially when there’s a need to compromise one’s monetary survival to reach our goals. These are temporary setbacks in comfort. Suffering builds character and this inconvenience will be rewarded many times over. Even if you’re the only one who gets to see it.

I am passionate about many hobbies. Photography is just one of them. Through this lens, I get to explore my creativity. It connects to my other artistic outlets like writing, graphic design, and video production. Most importantly, I’m blessed with the opportunity to glimpse into the souls of beautiful angels.


My 4th video showcases top images from photoshoots #37 to #54. This montage also highlights my main mission statements for Dusil Photography. 😘


This is an infographic video, amalgamated from a 10-part video series called TOP 10 • PERSPECTIVES, posted here. It features different aspects of a successful fine arts photoshoot, and what I consider their subjective weighting. I also call this my “BE” series, which you’ll understand once you’ve seen the video. 🌺


My second video includes highlights from my 19th to 36th photo shoots. Featured in this installment are my three main taglines.
Each minute of video production requires 120 person-hours of work, but every editing minute is full of joy. I mainly use Adobe After Effects for all my motion graphics, but Camera Raw, Photoshoot, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro are also an integral part of the production. 💗


This was the very first video I created for Dusil Photography – even before I had this website. It showcases the best images from my first 18 photo shoots. In this montage, I also chose to highlight my fine art photography focus. 📷